This Is What Adulthood Looks Like According To Stock Photos

    Growing up is weird.

    Growing up is tough. It requires you to make a lot of decisions you never thought you'd have to make.

    You have more responsibility...

    And sometimes you fuck up.

    But that's growing up.

    However, there are other things about growing up that can be crazy, fun, and weird!

    You'll spend a lot of time staring at nature...

    And way more time just hanging out in your underwear.

    As you get older so will your parents (obviously). Which means you'll have to listen to them tell you the same joke over and over again and laugh like you've never heard it before.

    You can have cookies for breakfast while you and your significant other check the Facebook account you share.

    You'll try to show your coworker something and they'll laugh at you...

    Or try to kick your ass.

    You might have to take mandatory classes to advance your career and scream internally when trying to learn something new.

    You can drive without looking at the road...

    And endanger your significant other's life by not wearing helmets.

    The older you get the less you'll know about computers.

    You'll spend a lot of time getting wasted at holiday parties and laughing alone in the corner.

    Oh, and you might turn into a dog.

    Growing up is wild.