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8 Reasons Our Justice System Still Needs Work

Nothing's perfect, and that includes the way we bring people to justice in America. Here are a few legal procedures and practices that might not be serving the greater good, and watch Daniel Holden rediscover his freedom after he's released from death row in "Rectify," Mondays at 9pm on Sundance Channel.

1. Tough Interrogation Tactics Can Lead To False Confessions

2. Polygraph Tests Can Be Used As Evidence, Even Though There's No Proof Of Their Accuracy

3. Nonviolent Criminals Are Housed With Violent Ones

4. Bribes Are Everywhere

5. Addiction Is A Public Health Problem, Not Necessarily A Criminal One

6. Eyewitness Testimony Is Incredibly Unreliable

7. The Fourth Amendment Is Not Always Observed

8. Solitary Confinement Has Longstanding Medical Effects