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13 Things Only Extremely Competitive People Will Understand

Everything is a race. And no one knows that better than the SUBWAY® sandwich artists who made the world's fastest subs in this year's Sub Jammers competition.

1. It's not enough to earn likes — you have to get more than everybody else.

2. Snagging the first elevator — all to yourself, no less — is like getting first place in life...

3. ...and so is beating everyone down the stairs and escalators.

4. Opening a jar is a test of strength that you cannot afford to lose.

5. Casual morning stroll? NOT WITH ALL THESE SLOW WALKERS.

6. The bouquet toss isn't a "fun, little game" — it's a war with you against the world.

7. And grocery shopping is a race judged by speed and unrivaled frugality.

8. The final buzzer of a sporting event always marks a race to be the first one out of the stadium.

9. Getting home before your roommates or family members is also a must.

10. Potlucks turn into talent searches to see who's secretly the best cook.

11. And a treadmill session is never over until you've outrun the entire row.

12. The value of a report card depends on how it stacks up to the rest of the class.

13. And, finally, it's not which books you've read — it's how many. / Via

And how fast you read them all.

Hungry for more? Check out the 2015 Sub Jammers, where hundreds of SUBWAY® sandwich artists competed to make the world's fastest footlongs.

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