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19 Faces That Prove Old Dogs Are The Wisest Creatures On Earth

Consider this definitive proof that old dogs are truly man's best friends.

1. "When I was a young dog, I had the most obnoxious bark on the block."

2. "I terrified every mailman in the county."

3. "And my limitless energy filled the entire house."

4. "I dug dozens of holes in the yard."

5. "I ate your shoes and sometimes your socks."

6. "And I chewed everything I could get my paws on."

7. "But now that I am old, I appreciate the quiet moments."

8. "The warm spots in the house."

9. "The simple pleasures of my food bowl..."

10. " bed..."

11. "...and my spot on the porch."

12. "But most of all, I appreciate my human."

13. "You see, life passes by like scenery outside a speeding car window."

14. "And everything you think is so exciting in the moment..."

15. " gone so quickly you can hardly enjoy it."

16. "But if you take your head out of the window and turn around..."

17. "'ll see a true companion there beside you..."

18. "...traveling through life by your side..."

19. "...forever your friend until the end."

Show your dog (young or old) how much you care for them. Tell Subaru how you would #MakeADogsDay on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.