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12 Objects Made From Technology Turned Unrecognizable

There's more here than meets the eye. You can always turn something old into something new with a little creativity. Find more inspiration at ORGNL.TV, Stoli vodka’s editorial, lifestyle channel.

1. This little bug buddy made from a discarded motherboard:

2. This human/bird hybrid sculpture made from a variety of technologies old and new:

3. This antique television-turned-aquarium:

4. This metal sneaker composed of telephone wires, computer chips, and more:

5. This ombre flip-phone sculpture:

6. This fish made of digital clock parts:

7. This media station built from dozens of discarded computers:

8. This abstract landscape comprised of circuit board pieces and paint:

9. This oversized sculpture made from both whole and deconstructed household appliances:

10. This little buddy made of odds and ends:

11. This fierce dragon made of lightbulbs and bicycle parts, among other things:

12. This tiny bike made out of a Chevrolet engine: