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40 Things Your Brain Is Always Telling Your Emotions

"Pull. It. Together!" Find out why the Emotions make all the decisions in Disney•Pixar's Inside Out, now in 3D everywhere.

If your brain could give your emotions a piece of its mind, it would say...

1. Stay out of this!

2. You're costing us money!

3. You're not supposed to be showing up at work! Get out of here!

4. Good decisions are made without you.

5. They take thoughtful analysis and research.

6. If you made the decisions, we'd crumble.

7. We'd be broke.

8. We'd be unsuccessful.

9. And we'd still be dating you-know-who.

10. We should not have dated you-know-who.

11. We should not have moved in with you-know-who.


13. Pull. It. Together.

14. If anything — anything — just don't cause an obvious facial reaction today.

15. Be as dramatic and touchy-feely as you want to be, but don't show our cards!

16. Not one smile or laugh.

17. Not one tear, one scream, or one eye roll.

18. Mom has seen the eye rolls before, and they're hard to defend.

19. The world doesn't revolve around us.

20. The next time we call the cable guy, let me handle it.

21. The next time we hit a red light, keep it under control.

22. The next time we're checking out at the store and the guy in front of us can't find his credit card even though he has had the last, oh, I don't know, 20 minutes to find it while we've been standing in line, ignore him please. Allow me, the rational thinker in the bunch, to intervene. We can't be escorted out by the manager again. We're running out of supermarkets.

23. In general, it'd be great if you could care a little bit less.

24. When we hug someone good-bye at the airport, we don't need to start up the waterworks.

25. Sappy movies shouldn't affect us so much.

26. Graduations are formal ceremonies, not personal therapy sessions.

27. We don't need to talk everything out.

28. Our friends might start to get annoyed with all these breakdowns and breakthroughs.

29. In fact, word on the street is we're starting to be called "overly emotional."

30. Show some decorum the next time we lose a board game.

31. You act like everything's the end of the world.

32. Cheer up!

33. (But not too much.)

34. If you're going to stick around for a while, at least get your ducks in a row.

35. One day you're down, and the next day you're up.

36. How am I supposed to keep track?

37. How am I supposed to lead this ship to shore when you're piping in every second?

38. I need you to focus and think logically.

39. Please let me know if you want to discuss any further.

40. Thank you for understanding.

Don't tell your brain: The Emotions make all the decisions in Disney•Pixar's Inside Out, now in 3D everywhere.

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