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The Definitive Guide To Planning Your First Fall Road Trip

Fall is the perfect time of year to get behind the wheel and explore. While you're taking in the fall foliage, don't forget to make smart driving choices with State Farm® Celebrate My Drive.

1. Check your car oil and tire pressure to make sure it’s in good shape for a trip.

2. Make a custom playlist so you don’t have to pick songs the whole time and can focus on the road.

3. Make a list of all of the most iconic pit stops along the way.

4. Don’t forget to bring your camera so that you can pull over and capture the leaves changing color.

5. Be sure to know where every gas station will be en route so you don’t find yourself running on empty.

6. Check for local deals in the different areas you’ll pass through so you can try something new.

7. Bring camping gear so you can camp out under the stars!

8. Look up new car games that you haven’t played before (or invent your own).

9. Get those road trip snacks along the way.

Most importantly, don’t forget to make smart driving choices. Learn more about State Farm's® Celebrate My Drive.