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11 Emotions That New Parents Can't Help But Feel

As illustrated by Riley's Emotions from Disney•Pixar's Inside Out. Parenting is a whirlwind. Keep your family protected with State Farm so you can focus on the important stuff.

1. Paranoia every time you leave your child alone, even for a split when you blink your eyes.

2. What's it called when the baby cries all day and you just keep looking forward to your fave TV show only to realize it DIDN'T RECORD?! Oh right, internalized anger.

3. Yes, baby food is just mashed-up veggies, but sometimes that combination of look and smell can just send you over the disgusted edge.

4. A twinge of joy when your baby chooses you over everyone else.

5. The annoyance that comes with knowing that "real quick" has been removed from your vocabulary in reference to going anywhere.

6. Solidarity when you learn it's not easy for anyone, and all parents fake a smile at some point.

7. Unimaginable pride when you watch your child do even the simplest thing ever for the first time.

8. And then utter sadness when you realize that you can't be there to experience every single one of their firsts with them.

9. An uneasiness that if anyone asks you for anything (no matter how small) you will absolutely fall apart. #nosleep

10. An accepted frustration that comes with knowing that you will never be alone again because there are two little eyes watching your every move.

11. Then when you're sad about missing your old life, but just then your child smiles at you and you remember that — oh, yeah! — you're happier than ever before.

Parenthood is experiencing every emotion at once, and they're all there in Disney•Pixar's Inside Out, now in 3D everywhere.

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