13 Places Dora Really Shouldn't Have Explored

    Curiosity killed the cat, Dora. Slightly NSFW.

    1. The basement from Saw

    2. The Parrish house from Jumanji

    3. The Chamber of Secrets from the Harry Potter series

    4. Camp Crystal Lake from the Friday the 13th series

    5. The Underworld from Hercules

    6. Mount Doom from the Lord of the Rings series

    7. Glen Lantz's bedroom from the original A Nightmare on Elm Street

    8. The infamous well from The Ring

    9. The Freeling house from Poltergeist

    10. Patrick Bateman's apartment from American Psycho

    11. Amity Island from Jaws

    12. The Overlook Hotel from The Shining

    13. And, a torture room from Hostel

    Better luck next time, Dora!