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30 Musical Moments We Cherish As Much As The Movies Themselves

These glorious sounds and unforgettable times are undoubtedly our favorite flicks' greatest takeaways. Get your movie memories going with this playlist featuring some of the silver screen's finest songs, right now on Spotify.

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1. Ferris Bueller expressing his thankfulness that the entire city of Chicago had yet to blow up his spot.

2. When Spike Lee showed us that tension grows among the trees in Brooklyn as soon as his movie started.

3. The sing-along sequence where Tom kinda-sorta-pretty much realizes THE ONE is making his "dreams come true."

4. When Sara realized she could do it — she just needed to put her back into it.

5. When these guys were rallying up for another unforgettable night at the Gasworks.

6. And later, when Wayne went on a wild goose chase after realizing he just couldn't live without Cassandra.

7. The song that plays in Billy's head as he walks down his mansion stairs to start his day.

8. The moment we met these bandits for the first time, and they were walkin' reaaaaaaal slow.

9. The infamous sunrise bus ride when everyone buried the hatchet.

10. When it was time to open the store on Rex Manning Day.

11. Safety expert Pelé dos Santos' sweet musical interludes upon Steve Zissou's ship, The Belafonte.

12. Choosing life, and so on.

13. Patrick's surprising serenade.

14. Frances' freestyle dance session all over New York City.

15. The best off-campus house party Faber College ever saw, "my man."

16. When William Lichter made an unexpected guest appearance with Lovebürger on the last night of senior year.

17. When Ivan Drago received the welcome wagon of a lifetime upon fighting Rocky Balboa.

18. A very, very, very handsome joyride with Derek and his friends.

19. When Rattner learned the biggest secret of all to winning the woman of your dreams from Mike Damone.

20. When Barry decided Championship Vinyl needed a little change of pace on a dreary Monday morning.

21. THE moment between Sebastian and Annette... and her arrival at the top of the airport escalator.

22. When Lydia's powers were "elevated."

23. Phil's eternal wake-up call.

24. When Tai got a little reinvented so she could roll with her homies.

25. When there was nothing left to do but dance for Pedro's presidential bid.

26. When Peter ran for his life, just barely making the train to meet his brothers.

27. When Mav was wondering where that loving feeling ran off to...

28. When everyone realized Dirk Diggler was about to become quite a star.

29. When Romeo and Juliet spotted one another for the first time.

30. When Molly and Sam realized love lasts an eternity.

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