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18 Songs For Sharing A Hint Or Two With Your Crush

AND saving your sanity at the same time. #NowFeeling butterflies. Send your crush a hint with Spotify now! Here's a handful for your heartstrings to start...

This one goes out to the one I love...

1. For initial moment you realize you're crushin' hard and you want to SCREAM.

2. For when your mind drifts back to the moment you realized there was definitely a spark.

3. For wishing and hoping your admirer will finally come around.

4. For when you daydream about sharing a little dance together in the moonlight.

5. For how much you yearn and long for their attention.

6. For keeping hope that you'll get to hang on that next level sooner than later.

7. For sitting back and toe-tapping while you WAIT FOR-FREAKING-EVER.

8. For when you're so relieved that text message finally got returned...

9. For when you realize the hang is REALLY, really about to go down.

10. For when you find something really important in common and get all kinds of MINDBLOWN.

11. For when pretty sure it's right, so it's time to get vocal.

12. For when you kind of (okay, REALLY) need an answer or two.

13. For when you realize you know right where you belong.

14. For mutual swooning.

15. For the future of your romance.

16. For your dreamy "let's make this feeling last forever" time.

17. For when you're ready to simply steal away somewhere quiet.

18. For when you realize you're ready to start falling.

#NowFeeling ready to take a dive? Say it right now with Spotify!

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