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18 Things That Are Undoubtedly Life's Little Pleasures

It's true that you may not be perfect. But you're certainly a limited edition. Southern Comfort knows this, which is why they want you to just be yourself and do #WhateversComfortable. Stay Comfortable drink responsibly. For the facts

1. When you sing in the shower - and your voice echoes back, all baritone

2. When you manage to knock two chocolate bars out of the vending machine - but you only paid for one

3. When your partner goes out for the night…

4. When you pull off your party trick

5. When you rehearse a possible future conversation in your head

6. When you meet someone who likes that same weird thing you like

7. Just after a big, old sneeze

8. When you're marching across your house when you're on the end of a long phonecall

9. After an imaginary shower argument

10. After dislodging a popcorn kernel from your teeth

11. When you're home alone - and you can dance around in your underwear

12. When you only have yourself to cook dinner for

13. When you stop the microwave juuuusssttt before the time runs out

14. When you try to pick something up with your feet

15. When you bring up a niche childhood cultural reference - and your friend gets it

16. When you're exploring those weird thoughts you get before you go to sleep

17. When you get your favourite seat on the train

18. When you exaggerate your role in a story

Whatever you do - do whatever's comfortable:

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Because you're brilliant just the way you are.

Please don't share with those under 18. Stay Comfortable drink responsibly. For the facts