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10 Innovations That Are Changing How We Do Music

Oh, well that's fancy. Join SONY in celebrating these engineered works of art, and see how music is evolving today.

1. The art exhibition that makes musical scores out of doodles.

2. The world-class (inflatable) concert hall...

...that looks like this inside.

3. The organ that is actually a violin.

4. The towering sculpture that is redefining "windchime."

5. The scholastic conference that studies video game music.

The 2014 conference at Youngstown State University is the first academic gathering of ludomusicologists (video game scorers) in North America. The most notable game discussed at the conference, Bioshock Infinite, features a barbershop version of The Beach Boys' "God Only Knows."

6. The music video that you can "paint" upon.

7. The proposal that could have New Yorkers hearing a happier commute.

8. The apps that are allowing nearly anyone to become a professional DJ.

9. The music therapies that are reigniting the lives of those with memory loss.

10. The musical festival that is taking orchestral submissions — via Twitter.


The Kurt Weill Festival in Frankfurt, Germany is holding its first ever "Tweetfonie." A specially designed website allows people to translate their musical riffs into tweets, leading to a crowdsourced composition unlike any other.

And now, SONY is taking the mp3 player underwater.

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