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17 Truths That New Yorkers Won't Stop Telling You

Looking for tips on how to conquer the Big Apple? New Yorkers aren't shy about letting you know the deal. In fact, sometimes it's hard to get them to STOP. Brought to you by the drink that's born in New York and made for everyone, Snapple.

1. You can't call yourself a real New Yorker until you've ridden The Cyclone.

2. You can NEVER walk fast enough to keep up with the crowds.

3. Real New Yorkers don't steal cabs.

4. And even though yellow cabs are famous, they may not always be the best option.

5. Contrary to what you've heard, access to fine restaurants is easy because they're all fine.

6. You may think there are other acceptable breakfasts than a deli sausage, egg, and cheese bagel. There are not.

7. The only way to really eat a slice of pizza is to fold it.

8. Street dogs are always the perfect meal, any time of day.

9. A custom playlist for your subway ride is an absolute must.

10. Speaking of subways...there's a secret subway stop, and it is MAGICAL.

11. The Museum of Natural History is exactly as dope as everyone says it is

12. On Wednesdays, we wear black. Oh, and also on Thursdays...and Fridays...

13. 99% of the time, eye contact is just not worth it.

14. Layer wisely. If you're comfortable outside, then you're going to be sweating five minutes after you walk indoors.

NYC winter basically turns you into a living, breathing Russian nesting doll.

15. Anyone who tells you they can predict the weather here might as well tell you they're a magician.

16. You don't need to be intimidated to talk to a New Yorker...

17. ...because we're actually really friendly!

Snapple — Born In New York, Made For Everyone!