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10 Unexpected Hobbies To Try Immediately

Refresh your routine, not your browser. Get up and try something new! — a reminder from smartwater, uniquely inspired by the clouds.

1. Stereographic Photography

If you've ever played Super Mario Galaxy, you're already familiar with what polar panoramas look like, but have you ever considered making one yourself? With a few Photoshop effects, you can make the otherworldly landscapes you see here!

2. Geocaching

Geocaching is like a real-life scavenger hunt with GPS. Traditionally, a geocacher will leave a logbook and personal artifacts inside a waterproof container and share its coordinates online for others to find. There are over six million geocachers worldwide!

3. Unicycling

All right, you clowns, this is serious. Between freestyle unicycles and mountain unicycles ("munis"), the most famous one-wheel vehicle is an extreme sport in itself. Check out the International Unicycling Federation to find the nearest club near you!

4. Guerilla Gardening

Talk about flower power. Every day, guerrilla gardeners take abandoned lots and neglected spaces and turn them into beautiful public gardens for everyone to enjoy. Get involved and check out the global forum for guerrilla gardeners here!

5. Stone Skipping

It's not just a day at the beach. Annual stone skipping championships take place all over the world. Check out this record-breaking video of a 51-skip throw by competitive skipper Russell Byars!

6. Origami

Sure, maybe you made one of those paper fortune tellers as a kid, but the art of origami is anything but juvenile! Start off by crafting the classic paper crane and work your way up to, oh let's say, the dragon?

7. Calligraphy

You don't need much to take up calligraphy. Just get yourself a pen, some ink, and paper, and you can start practicing letter forms right away. Not only will you carve a unique skill set, you'll make a killing writing your friends' wedding invitations!

8. Growing Carnivorous Plants

Need an ice breaker? Tell people you grow carnivorous plants, and then actually grow them. Flytraps and pitcher plants are some of the most gorgeous species around. The International Carnivorous Plant Society boasts around 1,400 members.

9. Lampworking

10. Bookbinding

So you're a Kindle reader — that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the timeworn craft of bookbinding! Not only is it a romantic and therapeutic pastime, it's a unique hobby that makes the very best gifts. Learn the basics from this tutorial.

Get up and be inspired! — a reminder from vapor-distilled smartwater.