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11 Reasons Why An Open-Office Floor Plan Ruins Your Life

So hip, so modern, so loud. You may not be able to escape your job, but you can escape the office. With Skype, working remotely has never been easier.

1. Every call becomes a conference call.

2. There's no escaping that obnoxious co-worker.

3. Everyone knows what's on your screen at all times.

4. Headphones are necessary to focus.

5. If you want to have a private chat, the breakout rooms can be just as public.

6. Similarly, you'll see people having meetings without you (and feel left out!).

7. There's one person who 🎢 loves 🎢 their tunes.

8. If you buy something, everyone knows about it.

9. You can't escape your co-worker's lunch.

10. And if they get sick, well, you're probably next.

11. Basically, there's no escaping people ever ever ever.

At least with Skype, working remotely has never been easier.

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