This Man's Attempt To Warn Fire Island Residents About Climate Change Is Hilarious

    "This place will be underwater..." "Wait, WHAT?"

    In preparation for the United Nations global warming summit this September, Joseph Huff-Hannon, an activist with Queers for the Climate, set out to spread his message about global warming on the front lines.

    Where are the front lines of climate change? Well, Fire Island Pines — of course.

    What better place to warn residents and beach goers of the potential dangers of sea level rise?

    In a video documenting his efforts, you can watch Joseph struggle to get across the dire consequences of climate change.

    He rattles off some stats and fast facts — but nobody is biting.

    And then, he finally connects.

    Although the video is satirical in nature, Fire Island was actually classified as one of the national seashores "most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and sea level rise."

    Joseph hopes this video will raise awareness and rally people to attend the upcoming NYC People's Climate March. He stated, only partially in jest, "It’s not just Fire Island — Provincetown could go too!"

    The march in New York City on Sept. 21 could possibly be the largest climate march in history. Recently celebrities including Alan Cummings, Toshi Reagon, and Ira Sachs signed the letter Our Fight Too, an LGBTQ Response to Climate Change.

    Check out the full video and get more information on the People's Climate March here.

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