Magic Johnson's Son Talks About His Coming Out Experience

    E.J. Johnson spoke out during an interview on his coming out in the spotlight. "It was almost as if I was coming out of the closet...again."

    The 20-year-old son of basketball great Magic Johnson is surprised by the recent public interest in his sexuality.

    In a YouTube interview with Howard Bragman he spoke out on the subject:

    Howard Bragman: How did this all feel, and how was the initial response?

    EJ: Umm, for me it was really surprising. I didn't think it would be THAT big of a deal since I'd been out to my family and friends for at least five years now. So I think it was almost as if I was coming out of the closet again [...] reliving the experience has been both exciting and ... interesting rather. I've been through it before, but just to have the media and everyone involved has been a completely different experience. But I'm reveling in it. I'm enjoying the experience.

    His response to the negative comments he has received:

    On the support from his family:

    On his future:

    I would love to become my own personality [...]really be a voice for the generation. As well as the voice for young gay people who need someone to be on TV or wherever else to talk to them and talk about all kinds of issues that all of us face and not just homosexual issues but all kinds of issues [...] I definitely want to set a really good example.

    Watch the full Interview:

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