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    17 Moments Every Gay Woman With Straight Friends Has Experienced

    Be patient, for your straight friends know not what they say.

    Being the only out and proud lady in your crew is always, for better or worse, an ~experience~.

    1. God bless 'em, your friends are always trying to set you up with that one other lesbian they know.

    2. And when you have to listen to stories about their sex life, all you hear is:

    3. Each and every time they complain about how hard it is to find a boyfriend, you're sure another single queer woman disappears from this Earth.

    4. You do find it oh so amusing that they readily trust your gaydar.

    5. You don't have the heart to tell them you, in fact, are not a phonebook for other queer women.

    6. Frankly, you're at a loss for how to explain your sex life to them at this point.

    7. But when it comes to swapping relationship stories, you're always happy to share:

    8. They'll come with you to the gay bar, but are always more hesitant to check out the lady scene with you.

    9. So, unfortunately, most nights you're stuck pondering how you got to this strange place:

    10. You find yourself cringing on a daily basis when your friends use the term "girl crush."

    11. And when you all stay in to watch Netflix? You have to send up a prayer as you watch a Kristen Stewart flick being scrolled past:

    12. You tell them for the zillionth time: No, you don't have a crush on them (but it's super fun to mess with their heads anyway):

    13. But when all their boyfriends come to you for advice? You've got this.

    14. Sometimes you just need to take your space from the usual gang.

    15. Sometimes they say some things and you remember your purpose in life must be to teach them.

    16. At the end of they day, they're the ones who always give it to you straight.

    17. They are so lucky to have you.