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16 Texts That Hit Too Close To Home For Lesbians

"I can't tell if I like her or I want to be her."

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1. When you're in line at the coffee shop:

2. When you get back from a first date:

3. When your ex texts you out of the blue:

4. When your friends play matchmaker:

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5. When you and your girlfriend are ~in sync~:

6. Watching a movie with any sort of sapphic plotline:

7. When you're crushing on a new coworker:

8. When you're very, very single:

9. (It's hard to admit, but maybe you need to chill.)

10. When you've got a free weekend:

11. When you're crushing on your definitely, totally straight barista:

12. When your haven't introduced your girlfriend to your mother yet:

13. When you and your wing-lady hit the town:

14. Each and every time a cute woman smiles at you:

15. Whenever your cycle gets a little off:

16. This (depending on the day, month, moment in time):

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