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Times Amy Poehler And Tina Fey Were Basically You And Your Sister

Despite not actually being sisters, they basically nail it in their new movie Sisters in theaters December 18.

1. When they're reunited after being apart.

2. When their evening goes from good to great.

3. When Tina is the yin to Amy's yang.

4. When they sacrifice themselves for the other.

5. When they're each other's wingwoman.

6. When they display confidence for days.

7. When they give each other fashion tips.

8. When one just needs to blow off steam.

9. When they're asked to clean out their old bedroom...

10. When they can't resist each other's charms.

11. When they are fierce AF.

12. When one of them gets adorably belligerent.

13. When they need to air some grievances.

14. When they are totally and absolutely in sync.

All images courtesy of Universal Pictures.

Tell us why your sister is the best in the comments below! Need a perfect sister date? See Sisters in theaters December 18.

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