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18 Creative Food Presentations For Someone You Love

Sometimes it's the little gestures that help you bloom. Here's how food can show someone you care, brought to you by Silk Bloom.

1. Making someone's day with food is actually really easy.

2. The littlest things can show you care.

3. An entire meal can be turned into a happy sculpture.

4. You can communicate positive emotions with almost anything, including pie slits...

5. ...carved potatoes...

...or even the placement of fruit on a cutting board.

6. A waffle can take the edge off homesickness.

7. And the surface of any food can be used as a canvas.

8. Even a couple quick knife strokes on an apple can be enough to cheer someone up.

9. You can also never go wrong with heart shapes to make someone feel loved.

10. They can be: used as decoration...

...sandwich filler...

11. ...a sweet topping...

12. ...subtly worked into health food...

13. ...or baked into the entire meal.

14. It's important to think of how all the pieces go together to create the intended feeling.

15. You can turn lunch Tupperware into a diorama...

16. ...create characters and narrative...

17. ...or leave your art on the outside of a lunch bag.

18. Even the tiniest gesture can be enough to make someone's day.