17 Ways You Know Your Celeb Crush Has Gotten Way Out Of Hand

    Don't forget about me, Leo.

    1. You know pretty much everything about their lives.

    2. And with every new fact you find out about them, you realize just how perfect you are for each other.

    3. Everything that comes out of their mouths is absolutely GENIUS.

    4. You watch almost every interview they've ever done.

    5. You'll go to the movies to see any film they're in — even if it's shit.

    6. And buy whatever album they've made.

    7. You will defend them to anyone.

    8. Your friends don't understand why you try to tweet at your crush in hopes of a reply.

    9. You're proud of their accomplishments as if you actually know them.

    10. And when you find out they're going to be in the same town as you, you don't even know how to handle yourself.

    11. If you're really down the rabbit hole, you've come up with baby names.

    ... And planned your wedding at BFF George Clooney's estate in Lake Como.

    (Images via E!)

    12. You'll casually figure out how you can try and meet them.

    13. But if you ever actually met them, you know you would freak out.

    14. And when the inevitable happens — they get together with someone else who's famous — you feel personally betrayed.

    15. For a second you might even feel a little lost.

    16. Like so what if I'm still in middle school, how could you do this to me?

    17. But then you discover a new celeb obsession and all is right with the world.