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Audi RS Moments Of Truth - 2001: TFSI

Audi RS "Moments of Truth" is a series of highly stylized, dynamic short-form documentaries that capture a moment in time -- visual, visceral proof of the impact that technological innovation and risk-taking has had on performance in a highly competitive world. This film tells the story of how FSI technology led to the Audi Joest R8 victory at the 2001 24 Hours of LeMans. Tom Kristensen tells the story from the driver's perspective and Jo Hausner tells the story from the race engineer's perspective. Through their dramatic stories the films conveys how the team went into the 2001 race knowing FSI technology would give them significant fuel efficiencies and performance advantages that ultimately helped them overcome the grueling elements and torrential rain of the 2001 24 Hours of LeMans. The story then links the motor sports moment of truth to a story of modern-day FSI implementation and refinement in the RS 5. Through engineer Christian Brinkmann the piece brings to life visual, technological proof of TFSI (combustion chamber, V8 engine, etc.) at quattro GmbH, and through specific track footage of the RS 5. Follow the link to learn more about how performance has evolved