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Here's How To Make PMS And Period Cramps Suck Less

We'll take Advil with a side order of chocolate and Netflix please.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they survive monthly PMS symptoms and period cramps. Here’s what they said:

Please note that these aren't medical recommendations. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any kind of treatment.

1. "Eat all the chocolates, avoid all the humans."

2. "Wine."

3. Masturbate.

4. "Weed and orgasms. Preferably in tandem."

5. Get some exercise.

6. "Commiserate with other females."

7. "Nutella straight from the jar. No regrets."

8. White chocolate and dark chocolate and hot chocolate and chocolate with cookie dough.

9. Pilates or yoga.

10. Take a hot bath with Epsom Salt.

11. And lots of naps.

12. Wear Libra Hottie patches.

13. Or pretty Kinesio tape.

14. Apply Icy Hot to aching areas.

15. Cuddle with a heating pad.

16. Or a puppy.

17. Use a massage ball on your tailbone.

18. Get an I.U.D.

19. Or a Nexplanon Implant.

20. Some people swear by Naproxen.

21. Or Midol. All the Midol.

22. Eat breakfast-y foods.

23. Mexican foods.

24. Foods high in vitamin B.

25. Foods filled with iron.

26. And deliciously starchy carb foods.

27. Drink lots of water.

28. And fresh fruit smoothies.

29. And cinnamon tea or Yarrow tea.

30. Suck on a lemon.

31. Isolate yourself from other human beings.

32. (With some frozen yogurt.)

33. Binge watch Star Trek...

34. Harry Potter...

35. Or whatever else you like on Netflix.

36. And add tears. Lots of tears.

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