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19 Signs You "Work Hard, Play Hard"

That's just how you roll! There's never a dull moment when you're giving 100% every single day, with the help of Secret Clinical Strength deodorant.

1. You wake up before your alarm clock.

2. You sleep in your gym clothes so you're ready to go in the morning.

3. You take work calls while exercising.

4. Your purse is loaded with everything you could possibly need.

5. You say things like, "I'll sleep when I'm dead!"

6. You've pulled an all-nighter then gone to work (and killed it!).

7. Your work outfits can easily be transformed into any kind of evening wear.

8. Before 5 p.m.: You aren't living until you have a coffee in hand.

9. After 5 p.m.: You aren't living until you have a cocktail in hand.

10. You take work calls from the bathroom stall.

11. You're the last to leave the office and the last to leave the party.

12. Hangovers don't count against sick days. You can shake it off.

13. If you do take a sick day, you know you're still going to be working.

14. You do everything as efficiently as possible to maximize your time.

15. You have to schedule downtime in your calendar.

16. The beauty salon is your 2-in-1 for beauty treatments and therapy.

17. Your fashion sense befits your active lifestyle.

18. Your dating profile reads like a roster of extreme sports: white water rafting, sky diving, you name it!

19. And you manage a dozen things at once without batting an eye.