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12 Animals That Need To Use Your Facilities, Now

Our furry friends deserve bathroom privileges too.

1. "Get this single-ply filth out of my household."

2. "And I'll be needing allllllll these products as well."

3. "It’s like raiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn on your wedding day!"

4. “I could’ve sworn I was potty trained.”

5. "No TP, no problem."

6. "Do me a favor and put on some Enya on your way out?"

7. "I'm a scruncher, not a folder, and I'm proud of it."

8. "You have no idea where this nose has been..."

9. "I mean, we both agreed we wouldn't honeymoon anywhere WITHOUT a heated pool."

10. "Whoa, and I thought belly scratches were good."


12. "I swear it’s the last time… the last time."

These cuties deserve a clean bathroom. Use Scrubbing Bubbles and check out what’s going on behind closed bathroom doors.