9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week: The AUMF, The Cannibal Cop And Artisan Toast

    This week for BuzzReads, the first Michael Hastings Fellow, Gregory Johnsen, reports on the most dangerous sentence in U.S. history. Read that and these other great stories from BuzzFeed and around the web.

    1. 60 Words And A War Without End — BuzzFeed

    2. A Dangerous MindNew York

    3. The Writer and the PuzzleSports Illustrated

    4. The Winning FormulaWired UK

    5. The Ghost Of V.C. Andrews — BuzzFeed

    6. Inside Monopoly's Secret War Against the Third Reich — Eurogamer

    7. A Toast StoryPacific Standard

    8. What Does Neal Brennan Think White People Need to Know about Black People? — BuzzFeed

    9. The Fart Party's OverNarratively