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10 Amazing Tech Innovations Through The Years

Now it's easier than ever to never log off of your computer!

1. Storage: Then Vs. Now

Oh, you're still using physical media? That's cute; we keep our data IN THE HEAVENS.

2. Communication: Then Vs. Now

With international video chat and roughly a million-and-a-half social networks, it's never been easy to Skype your cat's TwitVid on his Tumblr-Book!

3. Design: Then Vs. Now

For all the adjectives that've been thrown around about computers over the years, only recently has "sexy" made its way into our vocabulary. No offense, Bill.

4. Internet Access: Then Vs. Now

With Wi-fi signals coming out of our Wi-fi signals, it's never, ever been easier to connect to the world wide web. In fact, you're probably on the Internet right this second. Call it a hunch.

5. Speed: Then Vs. Now

This last decade's drastic increase in computer speed is something of a monkey's paw: the shorter our boot times, the shorter our attention spans get, which means that UGH BORED NOW TIME FOR CAT VIDEOS.

6. Gaming: Then Vs. now

What's this "imagination" you speak of? Have you seen Skyrim running at maximum settings?

7. Resolution: Then Vs. Now

HD computer displays: humanizing everyone on the Internet, one pore at a time.

8. Multitasking: Then Vs. Now

"Oh, nothin', just watching a Blu-ray while doing my taxes and livestreaming the Olympics in eight different languages. You?"

9. Price: Then Vs. now

It used to be that only six-figure high-rollers would go home to their own personal computers. Nowadays? We just got a complimentary netbook in our last McDonald's Happy Meal. The times, they are a'changin'.

10. Portability: Then Vs. Now

It's never been easier to own a portable PC, and there's never been a 15-inch notebook quite like the razor thin Series 9 laptop, Samsung's sleekest laptop to date. This ultra-light, ultra-fast PC will make you rethink what you knew about portable computing.