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19 Inexpensive Ways To Upgrade Things You Already Own

Lemme upgrade ya.

We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

1. Upgrade a plain sweater or sturdy T-shirt with sew-on jewels that you can actually just glue.

2. Upgrade your plain white curtains with a simple paint job.

3. Add pom-pom trim to your favorite blanket.

4. Upgrade any color fabric chair with painted accents.

5. Upgrade solid magazine holders with a Sharpie and craft paint.

6. Upgrade any tabletop with marble contact paper.

You'll need:

Marble contact paper

Scissors or an Xacto knife

Measuring tape

Get the tutorial for the table on the left here.

7. Upgrade plain glasses with gold adhesive vinyl.

8. Upgrade plain shoes with flat-back pyramid studs.

9. Upgrade your plain dresser drawers with leather pulls.

10. Upgrade literally any piece of Ikea furniture (or even your walls) with O'verlays.

11. Upgrade your couch with tufting.

12. Upgrade your heels with lace.

13. Upgrade boring walls with removable wallpaper that is renter-friendly and reusable

Wallflora Shop on Etsy has some incredible printed removable wallpaper. Get the gray print here and the greenery print here.

14. Upgrade your dishwasher or refrigerator with stick-on steel contact sheets.

15. Upgrade plain chairs using fabric paint and paracord.

16. Upgrade your kitchen utensils by painting or dip-dying them.

17. Upgrade your end tables, coffee tables, or even dining room tables with these decorative corner brackets.

18. Upgrade your dressers with drawer pulls.

19. Upgrade any plain glass vase with enamel paint.