17 Things Vegetarians In The South Have To Deal With

    Where even the vegetables are made with ham.

    1. When you tell people you're vegetarian...

    And they just...don't understand.

    2. When people try to feed you chicken or turkey and tell you *it doesn't count as meat*.

    3. But then you feel guilty saying no when someone goes out of their way to make something that you can't eat.

    4. So you hope and pray that there will at least be mac and cheese.

    5. Or mashed potatoes.

    6. Feeling like you're being forced to give up eating because everything edible has bacon, ham, or lard in it.

    7. Having to ask about EVERYTHING you eat.

    8. When you're at a cookout and everyone is hogging the only vegetarian sides you can actually eat.

    9. When the only thing you can eat at BBQ restaurants are side plates:

    10. You immediately recognize what this is:

    11. When you still have an opinion on the best kind of BBQ sauce even though you don't eat meat and people are like "shut up you don't even know."

    12. When someone in the backyard puts vegetables where the meat was on the grill and now you can't eat anything.

    13. But despite the fact that you won't eat BBQ, you still love the smell of smoke.

    14. When you really wish people would get more creative with vegetarian proteins but you're afraid to even ask.

    15. You always eat boiled peanuts on road trips.

    16. And when you leave the South and find out that vegan BBQ drumsticks are a thing everywhere else.

    17. But you know that no matter what, you can ALWAYS count on getting your calories in from some good ol' sweet tea.