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12 Signs You're The High-Maintenance One In Your Friend Group

Haters gonna hate.

1. Your shower routine takes up the entire morning.

2. You'd never be caught dead wearing sweatpants out of the house.

3. You don't stay out past 10 p.m. because you need your "beauty sleep" every night.

4. Your nails are always pristine.

5. You make your boyfriend fit all his vacation clothes in a carry-on bag so you have two suitcases for yourself.

6. Everyone is always waiting for you, because you're always late.

7. You spend as much time curling your eyelashes as your hair.

8. Your hairdresser knows you better than most of your family.

9. You're awake at 6 a.m. every morning to do your hair and makeup for the day.

10. You're always walking five feet behind your friends because of your extremely impractical footwear choices.

11. You constantly untag pictures of yourself on social media because they aren't good enough.

12. But you know what? You're proud of the way you are!