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12 Obsessive Moments We All Have With Our Cars

Cars are unique, but freaking out about them isn't. The good news is your insurance is one less thing to fret about with protection from SafeAuto.

1. Starting up the car.

2. Getting really excited about odometer readings.

3. Checking the mirrors again.

4. Just... checking... the lug nuts... one... more... time...

5. Car washing.

6. Fiddling with the gas pump until the total hits a full dollar amount.

7. Getting the air vents to point in just the right direction.

8. Parking.

9. Then setting multiple alarms to make sure this nightmare doesn't lead directly to a ticket, then court, then jail, GAH, WHO HAS QUARTERS?!

10. Perfectly aligning your car with the one next to you at the stoplight.

11. Cycling through the presets just to make sure all of your favorite radio stations are still there.

12. And running back to triple-check the door locks.