Trans People Win — From DC To Afghanistan

    Enamullah is the youngest person in Afghanistan to undergo gender re-assignment surgery. And in other trans news, DC is closer to recognizing gender alterations and women are building a home for elderly trans Indonesians.


    Enamullah Bibi, who lives in Afghanistan's Kunar Province, expressed joy and relief after the surgery's successful completion. The 16 year old told reporters, "when I return to home, my mother was very happy to me." He added that he's happy now to be "a a brother of ten sisters."


    Washington DC City Council Member David A. Cantania has introduced a bill that would allow residents to change the sex displayed on their birth certificates with a signed affidavit from a doctor. Cantania said that the current process is overly complicated and outdated. The Washington Post reports that this policy change would put the District in step with 19 states and New York City.


    In Jarkarta, the amazing Yulianus Rettoblaut -- affectionately known as Mummy Yuli -- is building a home for Indonesian's aging transgender community. Indonesia has an estimated three million trans citizens. Traditionally, elderly Indonesians are taking in by their own families. Trans people, however, are often shunned and reduced to begging. The waiting list for Mummy Yuli's old folks' home currently has 800 names.