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    A Lot Of People Are Upset About These New Lingerie Ads Featuring Women In Tech Posing In Their Underwear

    Is this empowering or does it undermine their whole message?

    Clothing brand Dear Kate recently released controversial ads for their new "Ada Collection" lingerie line.

    The collection, named for Ada Lovelace, the woman who created the world's first algorithm, is an underwear line aimed at women in tech.

    The reason the ads are so controversial? Dear Kate asked six female tech founders and CEOs to pose in their underwear for the photos.

    A lot of Twitter users aren't pleased, with many arguing that the ads are actually the exact wrong way to reach out to women in the tech industry.

    Female tech CEOs doing an underwear photo shoot for the Ada Collection (after Ada Lovelace). *weeps at every word in that sentence*

    No, really, this is the OPPOSITE of how we should fight sexism: Controversial Underwear Ad Features Female Tech Execs

    ugh. gross. RT @Racked Female tech CEOs strip to their underwear for @dearkates

    Here’s a sure fire way to help ensure gender equality in tech is taken seriously.. oh..

    Silicon Valley: because you can't be an empowered woman in tech unless you take off your clothes. Right.

    The shoot was done in Refinery29's New York City headquarters and the women's photos are paired with inspirational quotes.

    In the wake of the controversy, Dear Kate founder Julie Sygiel told BuzzFeed that seeing a women in her underwear has no bearing on her intelligence.

    "We've gotten a wide variety of responses to the campaign, many being positive," Sygiel said. "Telling us they appreciate seeing women actually doing things for themselves rather than simply looking sexy to attract male attention."

    As the ads spread around the internet, Dear Kate's Twitter account started collecting tweets from users who actually supported the campaign.

    Many are arguing that the ads aren't exploitative, but empowering and emphasize femininity in a positive way.

    Absolutely love @dearkates latest campaign. If anything, it emphasizes the femininity of strong women, without negating that strength

    Hey @dearkates, we LOVE your new campaign. We're all about bold, badass, and beautiful women, and we're glad you are too! #keepitup :)

    Dude. @dearkates got me wanting to take a photo of myself in my underwear. #notcontroversial

    Loving @dearkates #notcontroversial campaign. Click on the hashtag and spread the message!

    But still, many aren't convinced. Elissa Shevinksy, CEO of Glimpse Labs, told Time that the whole thing undermined the message that women in tech want to be taken seriously.