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The Stylish Outfits This Woman Makes Out Of Secondhand Clothes Are Incredible

These before and after pics are seriously impressive.

This is Jillian, a writer and designer from South Carolina who runs a blog called ReFashionista.

The blog follows her experiments with taking thrift store pieces and transforming them into something more modern.

Admittedly, she said the project started out half because of her worries about sustainability and half because she was broke and didn't want to buy new clothes.

"This is one small way I can help my community," she told BuzzFeed. "When I'm done with my pieces, I donate them to local thrift and charity stores that benefit causes I believe in."

She said she usually tries to pick the ugliest outfits she can find because it's a fun challenge and to make sure they can get a second, super stylish life.

She's been at it since 2010 and she's gotten pretty good. So far she's done about 700 "refashions," at one point doing a piece every single day and donating the finished product to a local charity shop.

"I started this blog to share my silly faces and refashions with my pals," Jillian said. "But I'm thrilled that folks are sharing my little blog and spreading the word about eco fashion."

You can check out more awesome thrift store clothing makeovers here.