People Are Trying To Start A Rumor That "Fault In Our Stars" Author John Green Is The Zodiac Killer

    The internet is dumb.

    A few days ago Tumblr users realized that John Green kind of sort of looks like a police sketch of the Zodiac Killer.

    @johngreen did you know you're the zodiac killer?

    John Green as the Zodiac Killer is my favorite thing the internet has come up with

    how have i only just learned that john green is the zodiac killer

    And they kind of ran with it, editing John Green's Wikipedia page and making a tag page for it.

    @johngreen when will u admit to being the zodiac killer #memed

    @johngreen suspicious that you won't deny that you're the zodiac killer tbh

    i like this meme saying that john green is the zodiac killer.

    There are photoshops...

    if john green rlly is the zodiac killer I guess the fault is in their star signs

    I usually hate the dumb memes on tumblr but I'm really enjoying this "John Green is the Zodiac Killer" thing.

    ...And a ton of people are just flat out asking Green if he's the Zodiac Killer on Twitter.

    i'm going to drag on the john green zodiac killer meme until 2070

    Has @johngreen addressed the rumors that he's the Zodiac killer yet??

    @johngreen Is it true you're the Zodiac Killer? #ZodiacKillerMysterySolved

    So, in case you were wondering, the internet is still a really weird place.

    @johngreen is it true that you are the zodiac killer?

    john green being the zodiac killer is my favorite new meme

    hey kids don't forget that john green is actually the zodiac killer

    Just so we're totally clear, the man on the left is American novelist John Green. The man on the right is serial killer who killed 7 people in northern California in the '60s and '70s... years before John Green was even born.