Apparently, Pecan Pie Flavored Pringles Are A Thing?

    Okay, but why?

    Behold, Pringles' newest flavor of "dessert chip": Pecan Pie.

    Michael Lese


    Pecan pie Pringles? WTF?

    / Via

    Pringles debuted three flavors last year, but it looks like they've recently added pecan pie to their repetoire.

    This model on Twitter seems to be fan.

    These seasonal new Pecan Pie Pringles are just delish! #Autumn and fat grams in the tropics

    Count Cory Bernstein


    These seasonal new Pecan Pie Pringles are just delish! #Autumn and fat grams in the tropics

    / Via

    And this woman is apparently seriously addicted to them.

    (h/t The Consumerist)