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    Activists Strip Down To Their Underwear To Protest Victoria Secret's Lack Of Body Diversity

    A group of activists decided to show Victoria's Secret shoppers that they didn't need Photoshop to feel good about their bodies.

    The protest was organized by About-Face, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that educates women about how the media can affect body image and self-esteem.

    Whoooo! Tasha and I took the pledge! @aboutfacesf

    Vanessa Nogueira


    Whoooo! Tasha and I took the pledge! @aboutfacesf

    The scantily-clad activists gathered in front of a San Francisco Victoria's Secret over the weekend.

    The women (and one guy on the right there) picketed the storefront, holding signs featuring body-positive messages like "I pledge to love my body" and "Fat & fabulous."

    Group with @aboutfacesf shed most of their clothes to raise awareness about body image issues:

    ABC7 News


    Group with @aboutfacesf shed most of their clothes to raise awareness about body image issues:

    About-Face believes that Victoria's Secret, along with many other mainstream fashion retailers, portray an unrealistic body image to the public.

    The group's executive director, Jennifer Berger, told a local San Francisco ABC affiliate that not everyone needs to look like a Victoria's Secret model to feel attractive.