A Timeline Of The Kanye West Album Leak

    It's unclear of exactly who was responsible, but this is everything we know about when and where Yeezus leaked.

    Thursday night the tracklist and photos of the album hit Twitter, linking back to a site called fistintheair.com, which is currently offline.

    Then two Twitter accounts posted photos of the album within 10 minutes of each other.

    Both saying that the album's leak was imminent.

    Many users reported the same thing, all believing that a leak of Yeezus was on its way.

    The combination of shipping dates and the fact photos of the album had already hit music blogs seemed to point to a Friday morning leak of Yeezus

    By 2 a.m. Friday morning Twitter users were hinting that the album was already being shared amongst themselves.

    Fake copies, like the link below, were being circulated along with the real thing.

    By 11 a.m. Friday morning the real Yeezus had made its way, at least temporarily, on to file-sharing sites.

    By noon, as the album was being yanked off its original host sites, it spread to the rest of the internet, making its way to Reddit and 4chan.

    A Twitter user BuzzFeed spoke with via DM said he found the album on kanyetothe.com, which is also currently offline. The site was aggregating leaks of Yeezus that were being pulled down as they were being posted.