Um, Did You Know That BuzzFeed Has An All-Cats Newsletter?

    It's called "This Week in Cats." It is EXTREMELY important.

    Yes, that's right: BuzzFeed has a newsletter that is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY ABOUT CATS.

    If you sign up, we will send you the most adorably important cat news of the week every Friday. This week, for example, a cat pushed a small cart across a room.

    Another cat sat in a green chair.

    And two cats sized each other up, trying to decide whether to be best friends or mortal enemies.

    (They haven't decided yet.)

    Now, do cats WANT you to know what they're up to behind closed doors?

    Certainly not, no. Cats are very secretive, and would prefer to go about their business unobserved.

    What good is a cardboard box without privacy, after all?

    But no matter how many dirty looks you may get from the grumpier end of the feline community when you sign up, this is clearly information that you need.

    Because let's face it: You'd feel pretty darn silly NOT being in the know about the biggest cat stories every week. What else do people even talk about?

    So what are you waiting for? Enter your email address and sign up right meow!

    Oh, and by the way: If you're curious about what other cuties besides cats are up to, we also have an amazing Animals newsletter.

    So sign up for this one too if you simply can't get enough fluff!