A Woman Who Died After Taking Diet Pills Sent A Text Saying "I Think I'm Going To Die"

    An inquest heard that Eloise Parry had a "constant problem with weight".

    A student who died in April after taking a lethal dose of "toxic" diet pills she bought online sent a text to her college lecturer hours before her death saying, "I've screwed up big time...I think i am going to die," an inquest heard Thursday.

    The mother of Eloise Aimee Parry, a 21-year-old from Shrewsbury, said her daughter had a "constant problem with weight", suffered from bulimia, and had difficulty with her body image.

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    The inquest heard that Parry died from an accidental drug overdose on 12 April. According to West Mercia police, Parry became ill after taking diet pills that contained dinitrophenol (or DNP), which are often marketed as "fat-burning" pills.

    Hours before Parry died in Royal Shrewsbury hospital, she sent a text message to her college lecturer that said she had become sick after she binging on food and taking four pills, the inquest heard.

    In the text message, Parry continued:

    "No one is known to have survived after being sick after taking DNP. I am so scared. I am so sorry for being so stupid.

    Thank you for everything. I never deserved it. Please pass on my absolute appreciation for all that you have done for me.

    Thank you more than words.


    The inquest also heard that Parry had told a friend that she knew the pills were dangerous.

    During the inquest, her mother, Rebecca, said she was aware her daughter was taking slimming tablets about two months before she died, but did not realise they were dangerous.

    Her mother was asked if she thought her daughter was suicidal. She replied: "Personally, no. I did not believe she was suicidal."

    Parry, a student at Glyndwr University, was a passionate advocate for mental health awareness. She regularly tweeted about mental health issues and depression.

    Emotional abuse/neglect can be devastating. Poor mental health + low self esteem etc. Awareness needs to be raised! http://t.co/besdtuFhie

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    At times she made reference to the state of her own mental health and shared articles about how to lead a healthier life.

    Mentally strong people have healthy habits. I should take some notes!! http://t.co/kdwYXzkufq

    The coroner ruled that he would write to the health minister about the "dangerously toxic and fatal" DNP.