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Terry Richardson + Mike Judge + Beavis + Butt-Head

There are three things you need to do right now: Read the VICE interview with Beavis and Butt-Head mastermind Mike Judge , look at the cover he did for our the TP for Your Bunghole issue, and let the photo below with Terry, Mike, Beavis, and Butt-Head massage your eyeballs.

rory ahearn 12 years ago

Omar Is Bad Ass, Even As King Lear

Michael Kenneth Williams, lovable gay thug from The Wire, and Terry Richardson play dress up with a bunch of outfits from various Shakespeare plays. Who else misses The Wire?

rory ahearn 14 years ago

Icelandic Elf Sex - Does Santa Know What Happens After Christmas?

Iceland is a country where the majority of people believe so firmly in elves extreme measures are taken to avoid upsetting them. Sometimes that means changing a road’s path to avoid elven territory, for Hallgerdur Hallgrímsdóttir, it means boning them.

rory ahearn 14 years ago


Three elementary school kids from Mississippi saw Raiders of the Lost Ark and were so taken by it they decided to make their own version of it, word for word, shot for shot. By themselves. Chris Strompolos cast himself as Indiana Jones, got his friend Eric to direct, and weird kid Jayson was put in charge of the effects.

rory ahearn 14 years ago


As it turns out, unlike ignoring a credit card bill and dodging collectors for seven years so that it magically disappears, you can't just breeze off a 32-year-old warrant. Let's take a look back to 1976, before his alleged transgression, when Roman Polanski was wandering the Seychelles in the golden fuzzy chested buff, brandishing a sword dick, surrounded by swashbuckling men in half-open ruffly shirts. Harry Benson talks about his documentation of Roman Polanski's Pirate Days.

rory ahearn 14 years ago

Lend Me Your Chocolate Ear! Chocolates Molded From Corpses!

Stephen J. Shanabrook is an artist originally from Ohio who was traipsing around the globe for years before he decided to set up shop in New York. He makes chocolates using molds he's made from the corpses of human bodies he somehow got his hands on in a Russian morgue.

rory ahearn 14 years ago

"Candid Reich" - Never Before Seen Photos of Nazis Goofing Around

In 1939 the Wehrmacht conscripted a man named Rudolf into the Nazi infantry. They handed him a government-issue camera and sent him off to join the German troops en route to the Eastern front. Rudolf was to document what he saw as his company trudged from Munich through Poland and into Russia. Here are his unpublished photos of Nazis goofing off.

rory ahearn 14 years ago


Like a Latin American Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote, except with millions of dollars and people's lives hanging in the balance, narco-traffickers and the DEA have been locked in an ongoing chase scene carried out in a parade of increasingly ludicrous homemade drug-smuggling vehicles.

rory ahearn 15 years ago


If you've seen You've seen 'The King of Kong,' you undoubtedly remember Walter Day, the galaxy's official video game scorekeeper. This short doc dives deeper into his eccentricities.

rory ahearn 15 years ago

The Hipster Grifter

Meet Kari Ferrell. A hipster grifter who conned her way all over the Williamsburg, even landing a job at Vice magazine, before someone Googled her and realized she was a wanted woman in Utah, for 60K in bad checks.

rory ahearn 15 years ago

The First Monkey Head Transplant Operation

Robert J. White is the groundbreaking surgeon who in the mid-1970s--against all odds--pioneered the monkey head transplant, forever changing the face of monkey ownership as we know it. Wait, what's that? Your monkey still has its original head? Wow.

rory ahearn 15 years ago

Homemade Jet Pack - The Backyard Rocketeer

This guy makes jet packs in his back yard. Yeah that's definition of awesome. Guy is amazing, never even went to college...

rory ahearn 15 years ago


Can you find "Waldo" when he is less than the width of a hair and on a computer chip?

rory ahearn 15 years ago