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12 Ways To Unlock Your Inner Bill Murray

Step 1: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. Always look like you know exactly what you're doing, even when you don't.

2. Have your own style.

3. Ask the hard questions, but be polite about it.

4. The key to putting on a good show? Never stop smiling.

5. Always speak your mind.

6. Surround yourself with good friends.

7. Be open to new experiences, especially if they scare you.

8. Always show up dressed in your best party clothes.

9. Be friendly to everyone.

10. Entertain people whenever you can.

11. Be really, really happy all the time...

12. ...and share your experiences with other people.

(All images provided courtesy of Open Road Films)

For a million more life lessons from the one and only Bill Murray, check out Rock the Kasbah, in theaters everywhere October 23.

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