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18 Signs You Might Actually Be A Robot

Man... or machine? As robotics is on the eve of a technological revolution, OmniCorp (creators of RoboCop) welcomes you to contemplate whether or not you're actually a robot.

1. You feel an affinity toward machinery.

2. In fact, you don't find this disturbing at all.

3. Your best friend is electronic...

4. ...which helps explain why you don't understand this complex emotion called love.

5. You're solar-powered.

6. You boot up almost instantly.

7. You sync up perfectly with fellow robots.

8. You're capable of demonstrating superhuman strength...

9. ...and superhuman balance...

10. ...but you have trouble walking down stairs like a normal human.

11. You look at this and read a dirty limerick.

12. You digitally store all of your experiences.

13. You always win staring contests because you don't have to blink.

14. You sometimes get stuck in an endless loop.

15. You've never taken karate, yet you instinctively do this when facing a threat.

16. You're impervious to most weapons...

17. ...but you're susceptible to viruses.

18. And, of course, you dance like a robot. At every opportunity.