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10 Facts That Prove The Sea To Be Pretty Terrifying

Respect it, as it certainly won't respect you...

Summer! Sunshine! Sunburn! What a time to be alive...

Yep, it's the British Summer. Six whole days of only partially interrupted sunshine. But as we rush to the beaches this year, it's important to remember that we're, by and large, not a seafaring people. We truly underestimate water at our peril.



3. Many drown just a few metres from safety.


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It's more difficult than it looks, and that's without the freezing cold temperatures!


6. A popular beach doesn't necessarily make for a safe beach either.


8. These currents have been known to reach speeds of over 6.5kph.



The RNLI has been saving lives at sea since 1824. But no matter how good they are, every year there are still over 200 people who lose their lives in British and Irish waters.