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    13 Tips To Collaborate Like A Rockstar

    Teamwork makes the dream work. As told by Kate Boy.

    This is Kate Boy, a Swedish electro-pop trio known for precision-crafted pop songs presented with panache.

    Any band is a long-term relationship between its members, but Kate Boy is unusually egalitarian. Akhurst, Dextegen, and Hemlin write and produce every song as a team, even alternating who plays what instrument.

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    "Our goal with everything we do is to try and make something that we wouldn’t have expected ourselves to be able to pull off," says Dextegen.

    We asked the band for secrets to harmonious and fruitful collaboration that could apply to any kind of creative or professional partnership. Here are 13 battle-tested strategies to help you play better — and more effectively — with others.

    1. Given the chance to choose your partner(s), go for humility over similarity.

    2. When you've found the right person(s), you'll know it.

    3. Get friendly.

    4. Check your ego at the door.

    5. Don't overplan.

    6. Specialize.

    7. Be honest.

    8. And prove you can trust and be trusted.

    9. Leave the safety of your comfort zone.

    10. Respect strong opinions.

    11. And never take rejection or criticism personally.

    12. If you hit a rough patch, try a change of scenery.

    13. Make having fun a priority.