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20 Things You'll Only See In The South

Example: deep fried everything. Catch an all-new season of hillbilly hijinks when Redneck Island returns Saturday, November 10th. 9/8c, only on CMT.

1. This truck.

2. This news headline.

3. This parking lot.

4. This auto shop.

5. This hot tub.

6. This old feller.

7. This sign.

8. Or this sign.

9. Or maybe this sign.

10. This truck decal.

11. These hair rollers.

12. These industrious young men.

13. This barbecue grill.

14. This wreathe

15. This motorcycle.

16. This ferocious lion.

17. This fire alarm.

18. This proud pet owner.

19. This boat.

20. This Santa Claus.