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12 Moments When You Knew You Were Finally A Grown-Up

Every little milestone deserves a celebration. And the best way to celebrate is with lobster. Make sure to commemorate your #Lobsterworthy moments at Red Lobster.

1. When you (finally) graduated from college.

2. The first time you did your own taxes.

3. When you realized you have so many errands that you need to keep lists.

4. The day you moved out of your parents' house.

5. When you got your first real paycheck.

6. When you realized that shopping for your apartment makes you happier than shopping for clothes.

7. The first time you willingly stayed in on a Friday night just to clean.

8. The first time you told your parents, "Dinner's on me."

9. When you suddenly realized you're completely independent.

10. When you realized you attend more baby showers than birthday parties.

11. And when you finally acknowledged that nothing is worth more than a good night's sleep.

12. The first time you had a high school "reunion" dinner just to catch up with your friends.

No matter how big or small, all of your milestones deserve a celebration. Be sure to head to Red Lobster before April 12 for special dishes and promotions during Lobsterfest.