Internet Loses It After Leo Messi Breaks Another Player's Ankles

    RIP Jérôme Boateng's ankles. It was nice knowing you.

    During Wednesday's Champions League matchup, Barcelona's Leo Messi scored THIS goal against Bayern Munich.

    Facebook: video.php

    Messi weaved the ball straight through Jérôme Boateng's ankles, causing the Bayern Munich defender to fall.

    Naturally, the internet went insane.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. That Messi goal. Holy crap. I can't even.

    And then once we were able to process how glorious/hilarious the goal was, the internet acted accordingly.

    Some had Boateng falling into a pit. Literally.

    Some showcased the exact moment Boateng's soul departed from earth.

    Thanks to @peteeee we’ve actually been able to pinpoint the exact moment Jerome Boateng’s soul was taken by Messi.

    Naturally, the WWE meme was an instant classic.

    Others suggested that maybe Boateng just wanted to take a nap.

    Boateng be like: But let me take some sleep first.

    Or perhaps Boateng is just a tad clumsy?

    Jerome Boateng last night. (H/T @BreatheSport)

    Someone took to Wikipedia immediately.

    Thoughts are with Boateng and his family during this difficult time, no one deserves to die on the pitch. 🙌🙌

    Poor guy.

    #Messi vs. #Boateng 😂

    RIP Jérôme Boateng's ankles. You had a good run.

    #Boateng : "dramatic night in Barcelona" [1988 † 2015]